Victrola — дочерняя компания знаменитой американской Victor, имевшей в свое время серьезное отношение к аудиотехнологиям. Но дело было 110 лет назад, и Victrola тогда не стала успешным проектом. Будучи возрожденной совсем недавно, компания взялась за выпуск аудиосистем.

Innovative Technology was founded 15 years ago by Corey Lieblein. What was once a company with a single product placed in one retail chain, has grown to a collection of over 300 items that can be found in over 50,000 retail stores throughout 10 Countries Around the World. Our focus today is exactly what it was 15 years ago…design, develop, manufacture and bring to market high style, high quality, feature rich consumer electronics, at affordable retail prices.